Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Where the hell I've been (and other musings)...

Two days dark on the blog...where the hell have I been?  Well, I was a little sicko last week so I didn't do much of anything.  I did, however, make a list of the things I want to blog about.  I just didn't, you know, blog about them.

In other news:

  • I ripped (one by one) the baked on nail polish (the one month manicure - which is amazing - until you jack it up) and somewhat destroyed my fingernails.  They're getting a daily treatment of Essie's Feed Me nail polish in hopes that I can restore them to their gloriousness.  I don't know what I was thinking.
  • We had to replace our tree for the family room and decided to go with a monster 9 footer.  Oh but she's a beauty (pics to come this week)!
  • I'm off to NYC for business this week, and while I'm gone there's going to be a little kitchen remodel on the cabinets!  Cannot WAIT to see how it turns out (again, pics to come).
  • It's time to make an appointment for my 6 month dental cleaning.  And I'm avoiding it (making the appointment - I hate going that much).
That's it for today folks.  Stay tuned for so much blogging goodness this week!


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