Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sunday, Sunday...

This was a good weekend.  Busy, sunny, warm (finally) and spent with friends.  

But Sundays...Sundays always ruin the weekend for me.  I have specific things I do on Sundays.  I change my sheets, dust and vacuum, start my laundry for the week.  I actually enjoy doing those things.  Knowing I'll be starting my week with clean sheets and a tidy house makes me happy.

And then I have reports I have to write that are due on Monday.  I could write them Monday morning before my 1pm meeting when I present the reports, but that just makes me dread Monday morning.  So I usually write them Sunday night while in bed.

But THAT makes me dread going to bed Sunday night.  It actually makes me feel tired when I wake up thinking about these reports.  No bueno.

So today, after I attended a party, ran a few errands and had a beer on the porch of a good friend, I went home.  It was about 4pm.  I wrote the report.  And I. Felt. So. Good.  So good that I started cleaning and taking care of things around the house.  I didn't feel that dreaded Sunday night feeling I feel every Sunday.

So lesson learned.  Just do it.  Get it done and move on and enjoy your life.  Stop giving the things you don't want to do power (I'm looking at you 'cleaning the attic').  Just do it and get on with it.  I'm so glad I did!

P.S.  These aren't difficult or particularly time consuming reports.  It's just the act of having to do them that makes me anxious.  Go figure.

1 comment:

  1. Sure, just do it. Sounds easy enough, and I even do that every blue moon or so, but I’m more of a procrastinate til the last possible minute kinda girl. 🤷‍♀️
