Monday, April 16, 2018

So it's decided...

I'm going to blog again.  I just realized how much I love writing, and I'm just not a paper journal kind of girl anymore.  Writing makes my hand tired.  #kidding #totallynotkidding

So check back this week for a post where I answer 20 questions...about myself! :)

And because a post is not a post without a picture...
Me, back in the day...


  1. Cheryl (Lovestotravel)April 16, 2018 at 1:26 PM

    So, stupid Blogspot is giving me a hard time about leaving a comment, because it’s been so long since I’ve used it that I no longer remember my sign in info. Sheesh. I’ll try again using my name this time.

    So hi, Jenny. I found my way here via Instagram. As a former blogger, I’m happy to see that this creative outlet is still a thing, and I’m looking forward to seeing what you get up to.
    You’re right, a post has gotta have a picture, and I love the one you chose for this post. Ah, those were the days eh? Bonnets, corsets, and crinolines...

    If you somehow managed to get my original comment, just delete it.

  2. I know who you are Cheryl! Welcome to my blog! Please don't expect anything too high brow here, it's really more of just a lot of nonsense! So happy you stopped by!

    And yes, my bonnet is very helpful on this rainy day. Thank goodness for my trusty parasol!

