Tuesday, September 9, 2014


How?  Twelve?  Twelve years???

I'm seriously having trouble facing the reality that this little lady was born 12 years ago.   And she is, now, a little lady.  It's crazy to me when I watch videos of Madeline when she was 4 or 5 or even younger.  That little elfish voice.  The baby cheeks and big brown eyes.

Now that she's in Middle School it's like this weird transformation has taken place.  She's smart (oh so smart) and funny and growing up.  But she's still little Maddy.  She's still that sweet girl who wants to cuddle and have you do her hair.  The one who will dance around and act like a goof and not care.  She hasn't turned into that nightmarish tween.  Maybe that has to do with no Instagram.  No Facebook.  No cell phone.  She's only 12 for God's sake!

And trust me.  Girlfriend can bring out the sass and attitude.  She's 12 for God's sake! ;)

But she's a good girl.  A sweet girl.  A girl I'm so proud to know.

Here are the past 12 years in pictures.  Cue the tears...
Itty bitty, eating her teething cookie!
Post ballet, around 4 years old.
 4 year old ham.
 6 years old.
7 years old.
 Tiny dancer. Ten.
First Communion. 
 Twirling in London.  Ten years old.
 Sometimes she just looks so grown up.  Ten years old.
 Paris.  10.
London.  10.
 11.  Madeline personified.

 Happy birthday you sweet angel baby.  I love you more than you will ever, ever know.

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