Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Me. As a kid...

I thought I'd share some not so great pictures of me as a little kid.  Only because I was going through pictures the other day, moving them from my hard drive to a flash and saw some that made me chuckle.

Me, circa 1971.  Although it looks like circa 1871 based on the state of the photo. 
 One.  I remember this towel.  Two.  Could someone empty that trash bin?  Three.  Wallpaper.
I just.  I don't know.  I have no words.  I'm the girl on the right in the sweet pink crocheted sweater.  Kelly in the one with no pants and Sherri is on the left in a skirt?  Huge pants?
The hair. What was I thinking?  Why did I BEG my mom to let me get my (very curly) hair cut?  Also.  I remember that shirt.  The elephant was this weird puffy material. And as a PSA, don't get bangs with curly hair if you go back in time where there is no such things as flat irons and anti frizz serum.  You're welcome.
 Frizzy on the right.
We look like weird cult members here.  None of us match, style wise.  My sister's dress is velour.  Velour.  And the knee socks.  Kelly looks like a farmer.  Will looks like an old man.  My mom has the sweet one side pulled back hair and I'm apparently a pretty track star with legs for days.  And knees.

You're welcome for the laugh.  I hope it makes back to school this week a little easier! ;)

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