Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Coffee time...

You guys, coffee.  Can we just talk about it for a minute?  Like how I wake up each day excited to have my first cup?  About how as soon as I have a sip I feel that all is right with the world?


It smells like sweet, amazing coffee and the candle hoarder in me needs to practice some restraint so as not to go and buy every candle they have in this scent.

I can't keep it in my bedroom because it just makes me want coffee.  I can't drink coffee after 5pm, or rather I don't as I have enough trouble falling and staying asleep.

But for reals, go get this.  Like yesterday.

P.S.  This is a little shout out to my sweet friend and fellow blogger who I know hates the smell of coffee.  You, sweet girl, should not go get this candle.  ;-*

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