Thursday, March 7, 2013

Look out EU, we're coming back...

Oh yeah.  The good old European Union has had its fair share of the Smith clan, but we're headed back in May and we're going to spread out American charm all over London and Paris.  The tickets have been purchased (not the hotel or Eurostar tickets from London to Paris, but whatever, I'm busy!), and the kids are pouring over books to see what they'd like to explore.  Jack's never been to London or Paris (poor, deprived child) and Maddy was only 5 when we were last in Paris, so I can't wait to see these two cities through their eyes.

The last time I was in London was during my back and forth trips to India.  I was never really able to spend as much time as I wanted during these interludes, and it was never the same as my first trip there during my 30th birthday with my sister (best.trip.ever.).  I can't wait to head back, and May will be the perfect time.  I might even see if they'll let me throw a baby shower for my good friend, Kate.  I mean, Katherine.  Whatever.

And Paris?  Well, to use of my favorite saying, "Paris is always a good idea.".  Indeed.

Here's a sweet photo of me on the Eiffel Tower, during my first trip to Paris when I was much, much younger.  Nice hat.
This is an awesome scan that I couldn't be bothered to crop.  Sorry.  Not too busy, just lazy.

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