Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Olympic recap (thus far)...

Oh. my. goodness.  I love the Olympics.  Yes I do.  I've been glued to my TV and iPhone watching it live, watching recaps, watching the interviews and the profiles.  I love it.  And the bonus?  It's in England.  Where Will and Kate and Harry live.  Right?  Exactly, you totally get me.

Here are some pics from the last week.  I just don't want it to end...
The Olympic Torch making it's way through Buckingham Palace.
 Opening Ceremonies.  I love 90% of it (that big creepy baby, however, I did not love).
Many, many Mary Poppins.
 They're all kind of amazing in my eyes.
 Seriously?  How does she do what she does?  Flying Squirrel is right!
Women's Gold.  So very cool.

And now please indulge me with some royal awesomeness.  Because I love them.

The cutest, right?

I can't wait to see what the rest of this week brings!!

Photo credits (top to bottom):  AP, AFP, Chang W. Lee (NY Times), Chuck Myers, Emanuel Dunand (Getty Images), McKayla Maroney Twitter, Landov, Getty.

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