Monday, August 20, 2012

Music recommendations...

As you know I love music.  Love, love, love.  It's always on, playing in the background (or the foreground).  Here are a few of my favorites (some new, some old, all good)...

Paperweight (Joshua Radin and Schuyler Fisk)
(Fun Fact:  Schuyler Fisk is Sissy Spacek's daughter)
(Favorite line:  "Happy to lay here, just happy to be here, I'm happy to know you...")

Home (Phillip Phillips)
(Soon to be overplayed I'm sure, but I do love it.)
(Fun Fact:  Played during NBC's intro of Women's Gymnastics during the Olympics)
(Sad item of note:  His unfortunate name)

I Will Wait (Mumford & Sons)
(Again, soon to be overplayed, but I love me some Mumford & Sons...)
(Favorite line:  "You forgave, and I won't forget.")

Almost Lover (A Fine Frenzy)
(I love how songs can take you back to a time and place.  I can still remember when I first heard this song, Labor Day of 2006)

The Day Before the Day (Dido)
(Sad fact:  She wrote this about her father's passing.  *ack*  It kills me every time.)

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