Thursday, April 12, 2012

Instagram Thursday

Week four!  SHUT UP!  I know, I'm like all over this thing!  Enjoy some goodies from this week!

This is a little area I found in my neighborhood while walking the other day.  It looks like somewhere Peter Rabbit would live!
Miss Thing showing one of her amazing outfits...
On a recent trip to Ikea in Canada I spied this sweet sign...
My new Sephora Neon lip balms.  They look like jello!
I was driving the other day and had to pull over to take a picture of the place I used to pick strawberries with my mom when I was little!
On our way to church for Madeline's First Communion...
Some sweet neon bracelets at Target.  I'm back in 8th grade...
Decorating eggs!
Making some decisions on pedicure colors...I think I'm going with bazooka for my vacation.

Until next week!  click click!

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