Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day has always held a special place in my heart.  It's that time of year when you can throw on a pair of jean and a long sleeved T.  It's the time of year when you know that fall is just around the corner. Back to school time.  But most tent Labor Day Fair time.

My dad was a volunteer fireman for pretty much all of his adult life, and in the town I was raised, they have a 3 day fair to raise money.  I think I've missed the fair one time in my life.  It's tradition.  My tradition.  Something my sister is passing down to her kids, and its becoming their tradition.  And I really, really love that.
Now that my dad is in heaven, I feel a connection going to the fair.  A place he spent so many years volunteering in the beer tent* (and trust me - this beer tent is like no other...just ask).  It's like he hangs out there now instead of working!
Wishing you a happy day off - and for all of the kids in this area - here's to a fun first day of school tomorrow! 

*P.S.  It's all about the beer tent, let's be honest.

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